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7 Reasons You Need to Market with Articles

What makes article marketing the best marketing strategy for you?

Long-term, profitable companies constantly use cutting-edge marketing strategies and techniques to set themselves apart and gain an advantage. The creation of relationships and positioning are two effective marketing techniques. And what's this? Both of those marketing methods can be addressed by the tried-and-true strategy of article marketing.

Looking for a quick strategy to outperform your rivals?

Is it the ultimate goal of establishing relationships and positioning? Without a doubt. But it's a great first step in the right direction. Additionally, there is probably a good probability that your rivals are not utilizing this strategy. Admit it. The general public doesn't produce or use articles successfully since it requires time, effort, and talent; nevertheless, individuals seeking an edge do.

What makes article marketing the best marketing strategy for you? Here are 7 extraordinary justifications:

1. It is quite easy. People enjoy doing business with and buying from the finest. You can establish yourself as the authority in your subject by writing and successfully selling your articles.

2. To be clear, As an expert, you can reasonably raise your rates and charge more for your items. Let's take this first premise a step further for reason.

3. If your articles are well-written and delivered correctly, they can literally set off a viral marketing frenzy and spread like wildfire. driving business ultimately your way.

4. Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. play a significant role in online marketing. We must participate in their game. In light of this, search engines adore information like articles! Many online marketers try the newest gimmick to deceive search engines into giving their site a higher rating.

 Do what you think is right if you have a lot of time, money, and/or resources to stay up with the most recent trends and the constantly-evolving Search Engine guidelines. One strategy, article marketing, is still effective for raising Search Engine rankings.

5. People enjoy being and feeling informed because it enables them to make wiser judgments. Your articles could be the resource for the information they require. And who better to purchase from than the original source of the information?

6. Articles may be readily repurposed in a variety of ways, which is a great way to get a lot of bang for your buck. For instance: 

  • They can be used as content for your newsletter or another person's newsletter; 
  • As freebies to prospects and clients; 
  • In seminars; 
  • At networking events; 
  • In blogs or online networking groups like Ryze;
  • By combining several articles into an eBook, book, or info-product that can be sold or distributed in exchange for contact information;
  • As the foundation for a live seminar or teleseminar;

7. When correctly distributed, articles are a terrific way to stay in touch with customers and potential customers. According to studies, it typically takes 7 touches before a prospect decides to make a purchase. Why not incorporate some of those touches with articles? This will support maintaining a positive impression of you as someone who regularly adds value in the eyes of your prospect.

Information reigns supreme in the age we live in. Everyone has knowledge that others could find interesting. By imparting your knowledge, you'll attract prospects to you like a magnet.

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